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已有 4490 次阅读2013-4-3 20:43 |个人分类:银河联邦|系统分类:杂谈分享到微信


It is I, Ashtar. I have breaking news, and I have chosen this channel because I know the good people will pass it on and assure great distribution to the many readers you serve. First, I will inform you of the state of the Disclosure plans.
Barack Obama is fully aware of the growing impatience on the part of Lightworkers, and also aware of the slanderous comments about his dear Michelle being the reason for the hold-up. This is absolutely not true. He has not been dragging his feet. He has been following orders from the Council which oversees the Ascension process of Planet Earth, which we are all pledged to abide by.
This process is difficult enough without having rumors flying around which insult the integrity of our Ascended Masters. Next, let me update you on the progress. As you might have suspected, this is a multi-pronged effort, including not only the spectacular celebration of welcoming your Brother and Sisters.
It is far more complex than that. It involved the complete overhaul of your financial, legal and social systems. That cannot be done without complete chaos unless the work has been done by our representatives on the ground to have the following things in place: An alternate financial system through which everyone can access funds to continue their lives in an orderly fashion, including being able to access food and basic necessities for the interim.
Systems of distribution for food, medical care and other necessities outside the usual profiteering channels which have held poor countries and their people hostage. Organizations which are capable of identifying, pursuing and prosecuting the Dark Ones who have created hardship for all of you over the eons. This is an especially important and difficult part of the procedure, since the present systems of courts and prisons are completely riddled with corruption and greed.

We cannot permit the criminals who have misused their power so viciously to continue, or to disappear into the population to begin their destructive work again, as they have done in the past. New social organizations which can provide shelter for those who need it and emotional support during the massive changes.
Many who have not been reading these messages as you have will be frightened and confused by the sudden Shift to the Light. Educational structures to help explain and teach The True Way, and to help usher in the New Golden Age by teaching the children the glorious ways of the New Era.
This is made much easier by the internet - this wonderful resource which allows you to talk across the planet with no time lapse. It will be used extensively to keep all of you ACCURATELY informed. Deceptive information and misinformation will no longer be permitted within this medium. Media.
Your television stations will be removed from the control of profit-oriented companies and returned to the people. You will no longer see violence, mind-twisting “entertainment” or bogus news reports from the Powers That Be who have used these outlets for the purpose of mind-control and massive theft of the planet’s resources.
Spiritual resources for people who have relied on the traditional Church settings for their sense of community, solace and connection with God. You will all be called upon to help replace the rigid doctrinaire practices of the present religions with the kind and loving teachings of The True Way. This will be an ongoing process.

As you have seen, our dear St. Germain has been doing an admirable job as “the Pope,” gently modeling new behaviors and attitudes which will fairly quickly be shifted to teaching The True Way. Of course, we ask that you keep this information “under your hats.”
For the time being it will just be thought of as an unfounded and impossible rumor, but we did want you to be in on the wonderful joke so that you can watch carefully and smile with us each time he presents a new and radical break with tradition, smiling sweetly as he dismantles thousands of years of enslavement of the poor and women.
Technological advancements, which we will be introducing quickly and efficiently to take the place of your current primitive sources of power. We do not wish for millions of people to freeze or swelter as we make the shift to efficient sources.
We are making every effort to provide an orderly transition. So you see, it is a massively complex undertaking. Every one of these elements are nearing the stage of completion - that is, they are organizing organically to the point where they will be in place and viable when they are needed.
Those of you who are asking what you path is - come forward to join one of these categories of transition work. Rather than ask when it will all be done, join in the work to make it happen. Set up groups so that you have contact and frequent communication with your neighbors and friends.
Be a resource for information in your community by letting people know you are available to help out whenever needed. Your assignments will come thick and fast, and you will be instrumental in making the Ascension plans come to fruition.
Many of you have heard of the Transition Movement which was begun in the UK and has spread around the world. Contact these folks to become part of their network. They are already organizing to help one another for the Change.
You can begin with www.TransitionUS.org, and go on from there to contact people in your area. They are good people who are already philosophically and emotionally aligned with the coming Shift. I absolutely will not give you a fixed date for the Disclosure Moment.
It will depend upon how many of you mobilize to take positive action. Follow the guidelines I have given you here. Reach out to offer yourself as a resource and you will find fulfilling work which will lift you spiritually, which is the goal of all this to begin with, isn’t it? Lifting yourself spiritually does not involve being given something from On High.
It is an individual process of learning to breathe, think and feel in the Light. Concentrate on learning to be in complete command of your every thought, feeling and action so that you never do anything you will regret, and so that you are always acting as a Beacon of Light.

You are all apostles, Dear Children, as we are. You are the bearers of the good news and the Light of the Central Sun, which you have known as the Godhead. It is you who will usher in the New Golden Age of Gaia.
We will be there with you, celebrating and offering our gifts just as you offer yours. This is a joint project, as you have been told. Be yourself - our brilliant, radiant Self. Do not be afraid to speak out, to tell what you know, what you have read in these pages.
Anyone who scoffs and refuses to believe you will learn soon enough that you are a leader of the New Age and will come to you for answers when the time comes. Announce yourselves. Declare your intention to be of service.
Tell your Guides and Helpers. Tell Mother/Father God to place your name on the roster of Lightworkers who can be counted on to work for the Ascension cause. Then begin. You know what your talents and abilities are. You can look around you and see what others are in need of.
Begin your Ascension now, by dedicating yourself to the fulfillment of the Great Dream of Gaia and her people. We are here with you, at the ready. We have developed a plan for the Disclosure process which is dramatic, flexible, and fast-moving.
We are, literally, on our toes, in high anticipation of the Great Unfolding. What a glorious time it is to be here with you. And now I leave you to get on with your Ascension work. I am Ashtar. Salut.
传导:Kathryn E. May








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