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中国人为何普遍不信仰上帝?外国网友这么看... | 老外看中国 ... ...

已有 493 次阅读2020-6-27 22:07 分享到微信

中国人为何普遍不信仰上帝?外国网友这么看... | 老外看中国 
2019-11-29 18:27


中国人为何普遍不信仰上帝?外国网友这么看... | 老外看中国 ... ..._图1-1




1、Super Poon

In history, we can''t find any nation that is more superstitious, more skeptical, more devout, more rational, and more secular than the Chinese. And No other country like China can’t be controlled by the church.


The religious beliefs of Chinese during the past thousands of years can be summed up in one words - "Peace" (平安in Chinese). When a Chinese is in a smooth sailing, he/she basically don’t believe in gods. I have never heard that one Chinese would say “thanks the god” when he get success. Instead, he will say ”thanks my parents” “thanks my friends” “thanks my boss” and so on.


But when he encounters adversity that cannot be changed by himself, he will be more superstitious than anyone else. For example, one’s mother got a bad ill and may died soon if don’t have surgery, nobody can help him, even the doctor can’t have 100 percent that the surgery will succeed. Then he would probably do things like going to the temple and worship the god to beg for blessing. If his mother was cured, he would think that it was the Buddha blessed him(“上天保佑”or“菩萨保佑”in Chinese). (Of course he would thanks the doctors who do this surgery too) Once the surgery was succeed, he would feel very happy and put the Buddha behind.


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2、Emilio Trampuz

Asking something like this is exactly like asking: “Why do so many people not believe in Santa Claus? "

问这样的问题就像问: “为什么这么多人不相信圣诞老人? ”

The answer was given long ago: “When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.”

很久以前就给出了答案: “当我还是个孩子的时候,我像孩子一样说话,像孩子一样思考,像孩子一样推理。当我长大成人后,我把童年的生活抛诸脑后。”

Most people believe in God because of their own ignorance and fear, and/or because they were brought up that way by their parents. But, once you grow up and start thinking for yourself, you see that all these holy books are just fairy tales about imaginary other-worldly “gods”, who are supposedly omnipotent and omniscient, but who never actually do anything or even show themselves.


The problem is that millions of people never truly grow up. They never mature enough to apply reason and common sense to their blind beliefs.But a lot of people do grow up and develop common sense. Not just the Chinese, but people everywhere, in all parts of the world.


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3、Arthur Dayne

What people are trying to say is “Chinese people are atheists because they don’t believe in our One True Lord and God”.That’s it.


They are defining Atheist and Atheism as not believing in Jesus Christ, the Lord, Allah, Yahweh or whatever. It’s misinformation, wrong and not in good faith Chinese people are spiritual and pragmatic, but unfortunately some disingenuous people with ulterior motives still peddle their way :P By framing Atheists an Atheism like this they (Edited: mostly Americans!) are implying that Chinese spiritual beliefs and culture are not valid.

他们把无神论者定义为不相信耶稣基督、主、安拉、耶和华或其他什么。这是错误的说法,不是善意的。中国人崇尚精神和实用主义,但不幸的是,一些别有用心的虚伪的人仍然在兜售他们的信仰。通过这样定义无神论者,他们(编辑: 大部分是美国人!) 暗示着中国的精神信仰和文化是无用的。

4、AI Bu Lin

in a historical context the Chinese people suffered greatly under the brutality of the European nations, who raped China to feed their own greed, see the Boxer rebellion for example. Who will volunteer to want to suffer such a brutal God?


Although the Chinese are not considered as believers, they are strangely also not non- believers. They are not active Buddhist, but they will not miss an opportunity to pray in any temple and stick to Buddhist rituals in some way. When it come to China, you must be careful not to generalize because you will be wrong.


5、Jan Krikke

The best answer ever give to this question came from art historian George Rowley, author of the magnificent book Principles of Chinese Painting. Rowley opened his book with the following:

对这个问题最好的回答来自艺术史学家乔治 · 罗利,他是《中国画原理》一书的作者。罗利在书的开头写道:

"We will begin with the basic contrast of spirit and matter. In the west the gulf between them has been impassable. For us spirit belongs to the life of prayer and worship, matter is the concern of science.


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This has directed our art to the extremes of religious meaning and naturalistic representation. The Chinese, by not carrying the empirical method far enough, failed to develop the natural sciences; and, by not pursuing the nature of spirit to the ultimate personal God, they never evolved a real religion in our sense of that word. Instead, the Chinese created a unique conception of the realm of the spirit which was one with the spirit of matter.


This meant that their painting would never become as religious, imitative, or personally expressive as our painting; and it also meant that art would become the prime vehicle for man''s most profound thoughts and feelings about the mystery of the universe. This unique conception of spirit and matter was embodied in the notion of Tao."


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China "appears" to be Atheist, that is because Chinese don''t have a strong and domination religion, so there are far less religious fanatics in China.


Historically Chinese are too rational to move into a monotheism society (one-true-god). It is very similar to Roman''s early resistance to Christianity. Roman are very practical and rational by nature, and they find no extra utilitarian from just one god to pray to, instead of many gods to pray to.



the emperor never bent its will to any religion, not vastly at least, in other word the power of dynasty, which is the power of human, never being ruled by the power of god, which is religious organizaitons. so they didnt have a chance to push the religious belief into a cultural commonality, the best they can do is influence in some way.


So the Chinese culture is built, performed and passed on by human.


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8、Zachary Adam Erskine

About 2% of China does believe in the Christian God. About 15 percent of the population is Buddhist, which rejects the notion of a creator deity.The majority of China, about 80%, is Taoist, which also does not believe in a supreme creator but rather that our universe and its laws sprang forth from the Tao, literally “The Way”, a sort of natural order to things, that is not worshipped or considered a god.

大约2% 的中国人相信基督教的上帝。大约15% 的人口是佛教徒,他们反对创造神的观念。中国的大多数人,大约80% ,是道教徒,他们也不相信至高无上的造物主,而是相信宇宙及其法则来自于道,字面意思是“道路”,一种对事物描述的自然秩序,并不崇拜或认为是神所做。

Within certain sects of Taoism there are 3 figures, not unlike the Holy Trinity or the Hindu Trimurti, who are considered primordial emanations of the Tao, and the origins of all sentient beings. However, belief in these supreme deities is not a requirement of all branches of Taoism, and they often do not regard deities in the same way that we do in Western thinking, or even in Hinduism.


9、Xander Tisdale

This falls onto the vast difference between China and the less sinicized world.In the west there is no way to distinguish the region and its people from religion. The basic foundation of every last western society is religious whether it be the prevailing Abrahamic religions or any of the now dead religions that guided the most powerful and influential nations in the west from the Egyptian pantheon to the Greco-Roman pantheon, Norse pantheon or Zoroastrian pantheon.


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China on the other hand and the side of the world it had influenced has never really had a solid foundation of religion. Yes as other answers have pointed out China has minor religious rituals and superstitions. But unlike the west that’s as far as they had ever gotten. The little altars you see at Chinese restaurants the Qingming ritual of veneration of the dead and speaking about spirits in nature causing unexplained disruptions to their daily routine have never really influenced eastern development.


Instead that void was filled by philosophy, discipline and respect. Instead of wondering where they came from and who put them on Earth to serve what purpose Chinese society was more concerned about how to maintain their livelihoods and improve themselves as individuals.


Things like this also explain the misconception of the west and of the east when they describe each other as the west is individualistic and the east is communal. When speaking about a superior being creating you western ideology seems to focus on the individual and that superior being.


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On the other hand eastern ideology delves heavily into rank and the etiquette expected at each level making it seem like they focus on the group. But the reality is actually the opposite.You notice the organization of the church and the theocracy. Specifically think about what it meant to be excommunicated from the church in the western world. That’s communal in a nutshell. You must conform to the beliefs of the majority or face disownment.


On the other hand while eastern cultures teach the importance of knowing one’s place it’s the fact that it speaks to the one and their individual responsibilities. These responsibilities expand to the group but not because of its importance to the person but the importance of maintaining peace and harmony in the society which directly affects the individual. You can see this from things like the Chinese imperial exams. This is a way for any commoner to rise to a rank of power based on their merits and study.


Another example of this is how the order of precedence works. In the west a monarch was the oldest surviving child of the previous monarch and would pass the crown to the oldest surviving of his children. This is why in most governments there is a clear list showing the next in line in case the previous rank dies. But in China this isn’t the case.


Yes it is very likely the oldest child will be the next emperor but that all depends on his merits. In China most successive rulers won favor from the old guard based on his actions before assuming the crown. The previous emperor must decide which of his children shows the most promise and then names him the heir apparent.


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This is also why in the rare event this doesn’t happen there is immediately a power struggle as different possible successors rally supporters to claim the throne. So while the west has a clear and familial hierarchy system in place and nobody can jump the line China’s is a system of individuals proving their mettle and becoming favored by the reigning emperor and his regime.


All of this explains what each side believes in. You can simplify it as the west believes in a god while the east doesn’t but really what the west believes in is a power above themselves which can keep the system in order. It keeps a world of ever increasing entropy behind a wall of organization that everybody can follow and so going against that makes you an agent of chaos which needs to be cast out. What the east believes in is themselves in a system of rights and responsibilities they’ve set up where any one of them can prove their worth to rise in power and then provide the group a better way to adapt to an ever changing world.


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