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India Quashes Chinese Media Assert of Assembly in between Rajnath Singh

已有 1536 次阅读2020-6-24 05:10 分享到微信

Union Defence Minister Rajnath Singh will never maintain any bilateral conference along with his Chinese counterpart Wei Fenghe on the sidelines of the grand parade in Moscow, a senior official reported on Tuesday.Singh is at present with a three-day go to to Moscow to show up at the grand military parade on Wednesday to mark the seventy fifth anniversary on the Soviet victory above Germany during the Second Earth War. Chinese State Councilor and Defence Minister Wei Fenghe is usually anticipated to show up at the parade.

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The event will come as India and China make an effort to de-escalate tensions on the Line of Actual Management subsequent bloody clashes last 7 days through which twenty Indian soldiers dropped their life in eastern Ladakh's Galwan Valley.Singh's take a look at will come in the midst from the escalating border standoff with China. Officers claimed Singh went in advance with the stop by thanks to India's decades-old armed forces ties with Russia. Russia has long been considered one of India's key suppliers of arms and ammunition.

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